
#cd /usr/lib/firewalld/services

#cd /etc/firewalld/services/

# Check firewall state.firewall-cmd –state# Check active zones.firewall-cmd –get-active-zones# Check current active services.firewall-cmd –get-service# Check services that will be active after next reload.firewall-cmd –get-service –permanent 查看firewall当前的配置信息,最后一个命令是查看写入配置文件的信息。
# # Set permanent and reload the runtime config.# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-service=http# firewall-cmd –reload # firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –list-services 打开HTTP服务端口并写入配置文件 从配置文件中重载至运行环境中。
# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –remove-service=https# firewall-cmd –reload 从已有配置中删除一个服务端口
# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=8080-8081/tcp# firewall-cmd –reload# firewall-cmd –zone=public –list-ports8080-8081/tcp# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –list-ports8080-8081/tcp## firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –remove-port=8080-8081/tcp# firewall-cmd –reload 打开或关闭一段TCP端口的方法,同理如果使用了其它非通用端口,那么也可以这么操作。
# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-rich-rule=”rule family=”ipv4” \ source address=”” service name=”http” accept” # firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –remove-rich-rule=”rule family=”ipv4” \ source address=”” service name=”http” accept” The following command allows you to open/close HTTP access to a specific IP address.
最后编辑: kuteng  文档更新时间: 2021-12-02 09:11   作者:kuteng