本文整理汇总了Golang中bytes.IndexByte函数的典型用法代码### 示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang IndexByte函数的具体用法?Golang IndexByte怎么用?Golang IndexByte使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码### 示例或许可以为您提供帮助。

在下文中一共展示了IndexByte函数的20个代码### 示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于我们的系统推荐出更棒的Golang代码### 示例。

示例1: ReadMIMEHeader

// ReadMIMEHeader reads a MIME-style header from r.
// The header is a sequence of possibly continued Key: Value lines
// ending in a blank line.
// The returned map m maps CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(key) to a
// sequence of values in the same order encountered in the input.
// For example, consider this input:
//  My-Key: Value 1
//  Long-Key: Even
//         Longer Value
//  My-Key: Value 2
// Given that input, ReadMIMEHeader returns the map:
//  map[string][]string{
//      "My-Key": {"Value 1", "Value 2"},
//      "Long-Key": {"Even Longer Value"},
//  }
func (r *Reader) ReadMIMEHeader() (MIMEHeader, os.Error) {
    m := make(MIMEHeader)
    for {
        kv, err := r.readContinuedLineSlice()
        if len(kv) == 0 {
            return m, err

        // Key ends at first colon; must not have spaces.
        i := bytes.IndexByte(kv, ':')
        if i < 0 || bytes.IndexByte(kv[0:i], ' ') >= 0 {
            return m, ProtocolError("malformed MIME header line: " + string(kv))
        key := CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(string(kv[0:i]))

        // Skip initial spaces in value.
        i++ // skip colon
        for i < len(kv) && (kv[i] == ' ' || kv[i] == '\t') {
        value := string(kv[i:])

        m[key] = append(m[key], value)

        if err != nil {
            return m, err


示例2: ReadSlice

// ReadSlice reads until the first occurrence of delim in the input,
// returning a slice pointing at the bytes in the buffer.
// The bytes stop being valid at the next read call.
// If ReadSlice encounters an error before finding a delimiter,
// it returns all the data in the buffer and the error itself (often io.EOF).
// ReadSlice fails with error ErrBufferFull if the buffer fills without a delim.
// Because the data returned from ReadSlice will be overwritten
// by the next I/O operation, most clients should use
// ReadBytes or ReadString instead.
// ReadSlice returns err != nil if and only if line does not end in delim.
func (b *Reader) ReadSlice(delim byte) (line []byte, err error) {
    // Look in buffer.
    if i := bytes.IndexByte(b.buf[b.r:b.w], delim); i >= 0 {
        line1 := b.buf[b.r : b.r+i+1]
        b.r += i + 1
        return line1, nil

    // Read more into buffer, until buffer fills or we find delim.
    for {
        if b.err != nil {
            line := b.buf[b.r:b.w]
            b.r = b.w
            return line, b.readErr()

        n := b.Buffered()

        // Search new part of buffer
        if i := bytes.IndexByte(b.buf[n:b.w], delim); i >= 0 {
            line := b.buf[0 : n+i+1]
            b.r = n + i + 1
            return line, nil

        // Buffer is full?
        if b.Buffered() >= len(b.buf) {
            b.r = b.w
            return b.buf, ErrBufferFull
    panic("not reached")


示例3: parse

func parse(remains, b []byte) []byte {
    if len(remains) > 0 {
        n := bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n')
        if n == -1 {
            return concat(remains, b)

        line(concat(remains, b[:n]))
        b = b[n+1:]

    for {
        n := bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n')
        if n == -1 {
            return b

        // line(b[:n])

        if len(b) == n {
            return nil

        b = b[n+1:]



示例4: readRawHeaders

func readRawHeaders(dst, buf []byte) ([]byte, int, error) {
    n := bytes.IndexByte(buf, '\n')
    if n < 0 {
        return nil, 0, errNeedMore
    if (n == 1 && buf[0] == '\r') || n == 0 {
        // empty headers
        return dst, n + 1, nil

    b := buf
    m := n
    for {
        b = b[m:]
        m = bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n')
        if m < 0 {
            return nil, 0, errNeedMore
        n += m
        if (m == 2 && b[0] == '\r') || m == 1 {
            dst = append(dst, buf[:n]...)
            return dst, n, nil


示例5: parseJavaSamples

// parseJavaSamples parses the samples from a java profile and
// populates the Samples in a profile. Returns the remainder of the
// buffer after the samples.
func parseJavaSamples(pType string, b []byte, p *Profile) ([]byte, map[uint64]*Location, error) {
    nextNewLine := bytes.IndexByte(b, byte('\n'))
    locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
    for nextNewLine != -1 {
        line := string(bytes.TrimSpace(b[0:nextNewLine]))
        if line != "" {
            sample := javaSampleRx.FindStringSubmatch(line)
            if sample == nil {
                // Not a valid sample, exit.
                return b, locs, nil

            // Java profiles have data/fields inverted compared to other
            // profile types.
            value1, value2, addrs := sample[2], sample[1], sample[3]

            var sloc []*Location
            for _, addr := range parseHexAddresses(addrs) {
                loc := locs[addr]
                if locs[addr] == nil {
                    loc = &Location{
                        Address: addr,
                    p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
                    locs[addr] = loc
                sloc = append(sloc, loc)
            s := &Sample{
                Value:    make([]int64, 2),
                Location: sloc,

            var err error
            if s.Value[0], err = strconv.ParseInt(value1, 0, 64); err != nil {
                return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing sample %s: %v", line, err)
            if s.Value[1], err = strconv.ParseInt(value2, 0, 64); err != nil {
                return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing sample %s: %v", line, err)

            switch pType {
            case "heap":
                const javaHeapzSamplingRate = 524288 // 512K
                s.NumLabel = map[string][]int64{"bytes": []int64{s.Value[1] / s.Value[0]}}
                s.Value[0], s.Value[1] = scaleHeapSample(s.Value[0], s.Value[1], javaHeapzSamplingRate)
            case "contention":
                if period := p.Period; period != 0 {
                    s.Value[0] = s.Value[0] * p.Period
                    s.Value[1] = s.Value[1] * p.Period
            p.Sample = append(p.Sample, s)
        // Grab next line.
        b = b[nextNewLine+1:]
        nextNewLine = bytes.IndexByte(b, byte('\n'))
    return b, locs, nil


示例6: Write

// Write is used to implement io.Writer
func (s *SyslogWrapper) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    // Skip syslog if the log level doesn't apply
    if !s.filt.Check(p) {
        return 0, nil

    // Extract log level
    var level string
    afterLevel := p
    x := bytes.IndexByte(p, '[')
    if x >= 0 {
        y := bytes.IndexByte(p[x:], ']')
        if y >= 0 {
            level = string(p[x+1 : x+y])
            afterLevel = p[x+y+2:]

    // Each log level will be handled by a specific syslog priority
    priority, ok := levelPriority[level]
    if !ok {
        priority = gsyslog.LOG_NOTICE

    // Attempt the write
    err := s.l.WriteLevel(priority, afterLevel)
    return len(p), err


示例7: FetchPage

func (i *ImageIndex) FetchPage(data []byte, deep int) {
    // openTag: <a
    openTag := []byte{0x3c, 0x61}
    openPos := 0
    closePos := 0
    // hrefTag: href
    hrefTag := []byte{0x68, 0x72, 0x65, 0x66}
    hrefPos := 0
    // quote: " (0x22)
    quoteOpenPos := 0
    quoteClosePos := 0
    found := bytes.Index(data[openPos:], openTag)
    var tmpSlice []byte
    var url string
    for found = bytes.Index(data[openPos:], openTag); found != -1; found = bytes.Index(data[openPos:], openTag) {
        openPos = openPos + found + 3
        closePos = bytes.IndexByte(data[openPos:], 0x3e)
        tmpSlice = data[openPos : openPos+closePos]

        hrefPos = bytes.Index(tmpSlice, hrefTag)
        if hrefPos != -1 {
            quoteOpenPos = bytes.IndexByte(tmpSlice[hrefPos+5:], 0x22)
            if quoteOpenPos != -1 {
                quoteClosePos = bytes.IndexByte(tmpSlice[hrefPos+5+quoteOpenPos+1:], 0x22)
                if quoteClosePos != -1 {
                    url, _ = FullURL(i.rootURL, string(tmpSlice[hrefPos+5+quoteOpenPos+1:hrefPos+5+quoteOpenPos+quoteClosePos+1]))
                    i.pageList.PushBack(pageInfo{url, deep})


示例8: mySplitter

func mySplitter(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
    if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
        return 0, nil, nil

    j := bytes.IndexByte(data[0:], '\n')
    k := bytes.IndexByte(data[0:], '\r')
    // -1, 3; 2, -1; 2, 3

    if j >= 0 && k >= 0 {
        value := min(j, k)
        return value + 1, data[0:value], nil
    } else {
        value := max(j, k)
        if value >= 0 {
            return value + 1, data[0:value], nil

    if atEOF {
        return len(data), data, nil

    // Request more data.
    return 0, nil, nil


示例9: Parse

// Parse initializes URI from the given host and uri.
// It is safe modifying host and uri buffers after the Parse call.
func (x *URI) Parse(host, uri []byte) {

    scheme, host, uri := splitHostUri(host, uri)
    x.Scheme = append(x.Scheme, scheme...)
    x.Host = append(x.Host, host...)

    b := uri
    n := bytes.IndexByte(b, '?')
    if n < 0 {
        x.PathOriginal = append(x.PathOriginal, b...)
        x.Path = normalizePath(x.Path, b)
    x.PathOriginal = append(x.PathOriginal, b[:n]...)
    x.Path = normalizePath(x.Path, x.PathOriginal)
    b = b[n+1:]

    n = bytes.IndexByte(b, '#')
    if n >= 0 {
        x.Hash = append(x.Hash, b[n+1:]...)
        b = b[:n]

    x.QueryString = append(x.QueryString, b...)


示例10: parseRequestLine

func parseRequestLine(bs []byte, isCRLF bool) (lineLen int, method, requestUri, proto, protoVer string, err error) {
    newline := bytes.IndexByte(bs, '\n')
    if newline < 0 {
        err = errors.New("missing newline")

    var line []byte
    if isCRLF {
        line = bs[0 : newline-1]
    } else {
        line = bs[0:newline]

    s1 := bytes.IndexByte(line, ' ')
    s2 := bytes.IndexByte(line[s1+1:], ' ')
    if s1 < 0 || s2 < 0 {
        err = errors.New("deformed parts")
    s2 += s1 + 1

    p := line[s2+1:]
    ps := bytes.IndexByte(p, '/')
    if ps < 0 {
        err = errors.New("deformed proto")
    return newline, string(line[:s1]), string(line[s1+1 : s2]), string(p[:ps]), string(p[ps+1:]), nil


示例11: lmemfind

func lmemfind(s1 []byte, s2 []byte) int {
    //fmt.Printf("Begin lmemfind('%s', '%s')\n", s1, s2)
    l1, l2 := len(s1), len(s2)
    if l2 == 0 {
        return 0
    } else if l2 > l1 {
        return -1
    } else {
        init := bytes.IndexByte(s1, s2[0])
        end := init + l2
        for end <= l1 && init != -1 {
            //fmt.Printf("l1: %d, l2: %d, init: %d, end: %d, slice: %s\n", l1, l2, init, end, s1[init:end])
            init++ // 1st char is already checked by IndexBytes
            if bytes.Equal(s1[init-1:end], s2) {
                return init - 1
            } else { // find the next 'init' and try again
                next := bytes.IndexByte(s1[init:], s2[0])
                if next == -1 {
                    return -1
                } else {
                    init = init + next
                    end = init + l2

    return -1


示例12: readHandshakeResponse

func (c *ClientConn) readHandshakeResponse() error {
    data, err := c.readPacket()

    if err != nil {
        return err

    pos := 0

    c.capability = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[:4])
    pos += 4

    //skip max packet size
    pos += 4

    //charset, skip, if you want to use another charset, use set names
    //c.collation = CollationId(data[pos])

    //skip reserved 23[00]
    pos += 23

    //user name
    c.user = string(data[pos : pos+bytes.IndexByte(data[pos:], 0)])

    pos += len(c.user) + 1

    //auth length and auth
    authLen := int(data[pos])
    auth := data[pos : pos+authLen]

    checkAuth := mysql.CalcPassword(c.salt, []byte(c.proxy.cfg.Password))
    if c.user != c.proxy.cfg.User || !bytes.Equal(auth, checkAuth) {
        golog.Error("ClientConn", "readHandshakeResponse", "error", 0,
            "auth", auth,
            "checkAuth", checkAuth,
            "client_user", c.user,
            "config_set_user", c.proxy.cfg.User,
            "passworld", c.proxy.cfg.Password)
        return mysql.NewDefaultError(mysql.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, c.user, c.c.RemoteAddr().String(), "Yes")

    pos += authLen

    var db string
    if c.capability&mysql.CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB > 0 {
        if len(data[pos:]) == 0 {
            return nil

        db = string(data[pos : pos+bytes.IndexByte(data[pos:], 0)])
        pos += len(c.db) + 1

    c.db = db

    return nil


示例13: statusTag

func (w *Window) statusTag(status xmpp.Status, statusMsg string) {
    data, err := w.ReadAll("tag")
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("read tag: %v", err)
    //log.Printf("tag1: %s\n", data)
    i := bytes.IndexByte(data, '|')
    if i >= 0 {
        data = data[i+1:]
    } else {
        data = nil
    //log.Printf("tag2: %s\n", data)
    j := bytes.IndexByte(data, '|')
    if j >= 0 {
        data = data[j+1:]
    //log.Printf("tag3: %s\n", data)

    msg := ""
    if statusMsg != "" {
        msg = " " + statusMsg
    w.Write("tag", []byte(" "+short(status)+msg+" |"+string(data)))


示例14: bspReadEntities

func bspReadEntities(b []byte) (ents []Entity, err error) {
    ents = make([]Entity, 0, 64)
    ent := make(Entity)
    inBlock := 0

    for i := 0; i < len(b); {
        c := b[i]

        if c == '{' {
        } else if c == '}' {
            if inBlock == 1 {
                ents = append(ents, ent)
                ent = make(Entity)

        } else if c == '"' && inBlock == 1 {
            keyIndex := bytes.IndexByte(b[i:], '"')
            if keyIndex < 0 {
                err = fmt.Errorf("key not closed with doublequote")
            key := stringFrom(b[i : i+keyIndex])
            i += keyIndex + 1

            for i < len(b) {
                c = b[i]

                if c == ' ' || c == '\t' {
                } else if c == '"' {
                    valueIndex := bytes.IndexByte(b[i:], '"')
                    if valueIndex < 0 {
                        err = fmt.Errorf("key not closed with doublequote")

                    if valueIndex == 0 {
                        ent[key] = ""
                    } else {
                        ent[key] = stringFrom(b[i : i+valueIndex])

                    i += valueIndex + 1
                } else {
                    err = fmt.Errorf("bsp: unexpected char %q at pos %d", c, i)
        } else if c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != 0 {
            err = fmt.Errorf("bsp: unexpected char %q at pos %d", c, i)



示例15: substPatternBytes

func substPatternBytes(pat, repl, str []byte) (pre, subst, post []byte) {
    i := bytes.IndexByte(pat, '%')
    if i < 0 {
        if bytes.Equal(str, pat) {
            return repl, nil, nil
        return str, nil, nil
    in := str
    trimed := str
    if i > 0 {
        trimed = bytes.TrimPrefix(in, pat[:i])
        if bytes.Equal(trimed, in) {
            return str, nil, nil
    in = trimed
    if i < len(pat)-1 {
        trimed = bytes.TrimSuffix(in, pat[i+1:])
        if bytes.Equal(trimed, in) {
            return str, nil, nil

    i = bytes.IndexByte(repl, '%')
    if i < 0 {
        return repl, nil, nil

    return repl[:i], trimed, repl[i+1:]


示例16: parse

func (x *URI) parse(host, uri []byte, h *RequestHeader) {
    x.h = h

    scheme, host, uri := splitHostURI(host, uri)
    x.scheme = append(x.scheme, scheme...)
    x.host = append(x.host, host...)

    b := uri
    n := bytes.IndexByte(b, '?')
    if n < 0 {
        x.pathOriginal = append(x.pathOriginal, b...)
        x.path = normalizePath(x.path, b)
    x.pathOriginal = append(x.pathOriginal, b[:n]...)
    x.path = normalizePath(x.path, x.pathOriginal)
    b = b[n+1:]

    n = bytes.IndexByte(b, '#')
    if n >= 0 {
        x.hash = append(x.hash, b[n+1:]...)
        b = b[:n]

    x.queryString = append(x.queryString, b...)


示例17: newSignatureFromCommitline

// Helper to get a signature from the commit line, which looks like these:
//     author Patrick Gundlach <[email protected]> 1378823654 +0200
//     author Patrick Gundlach <[email protected]> Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:13 +0200
// but without the "author " at the beginning (this method should)
// be used for author and committer.
// FIXME: include timezone for timestamp!
func newSignatureFromCommitline(line []byte) (_ *Signature, err error) {
    sig := new(Signature)
    emailStart := bytes.IndexByte(line, '<')
    sig.Name = string(line[:emailStart-1])
    emailEnd := bytes.IndexByte(line, '>')
    sig.Email = string(line[emailStart+1 : emailEnd])

    // Check date format.
    firstChar := line[emailEnd+2]
    if firstChar >= 48 && firstChar <= 57 {
        timestop := bytes.IndexByte(line[emailEnd+2:], ' ')
        timestring := string(line[emailEnd+2 : emailEnd+2+timestop])
        seconds, err := strconv.ParseInt(timestring, 10, 64)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        sig.When = time.Unix(seconds, 0)
    } else {
        sig.When, err = time.Parse("Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006 -0700", string(line[emailEnd+2:]))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    return sig, nil


示例18: main

func main() {
    v := map[string]*url.URL{}
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    for scanner.Scan() {
        b := scanner.Bytes()
        if bytes.IndexByte(b, '#') == 0 {
        p := bytes.IndexByte(b, '\t')
        if p <= 0 || len(b) <= p {
        u, err := url.Parse(string(b[p+1:]))
        if err != nil {
        v[string(b[1:p])] = u
    if scanner.Err() != nil {
    err := tpl.Execute(os.Stdout, v)
    if err != nil {


示例19: UnmarshalJSON

func (r *Rarity) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error {
    max := len(p)
    if max > 32 {
        max = 32
    switch p[0] {
    case '[':
        d := p[1:]
        end := bytes.IndexByte(d, ']')
        if end < 3 || d[0] != '"' || d[end-1] != '"' {
        // TODO: missing whitespace cleanup. Ok in intended dataset
        *r = strings.Split(string(d[1:end-1]), `","`)
        return nil
    case '"':
        d := p[1:]
        end := bytes.IndexByte(d, '"')
        if end < 0 {
        *r = []string{string(d[:end])}
        return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("invalid rarity entry: %q...", p[:max])


示例20: parseImg

// ![>|<|=]{$styleOpt}($classOpt)$imgSrc($altOptional)!:$urlOptional
// TODO: should return nil for alt instead of empty slice if not found?
func parseImg(l []byte) (rest, url, imgSrc, alt []byte, attrs *AttributesOpt) {
    //fmt.Printf("l: '%s'\n", string(l))
    if len(l) < 3 {
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
    if l[0] != '!' {
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
    l = l[1:]
    l, attrs = parseAttributesOpt(l, true)
    endIdx := bytes.IndexByte(l, '!')
    if endIdx == -1 {
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
    imgSrc = l[:endIdx]
    l = l[endIdx+1:]
    endIdx = bytes.IndexByte(imgSrc, '(')
    if endIdx != -1 {
        alt = imgSrc[endIdx+1:]
        imgSrc = imgSrc[:endIdx]
        endIdx = bytes.IndexByte(alt, ')')
        if endIdx == -1 {
            return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
        alt = alt[:endIdx]
    if len(l) > 0 && l[0] == ':' {
        l, url = extractUrlOrRefName(l[1:])
    return l, url, imgSrc, alt, attrs


最后编辑: kuteng  文档更新时间: 2021-08-23 19:14   作者:kuteng