本文整理汇总了Golang中flag.Uint64Var函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Uint64Var函数的具体用法?Golang Uint64Var怎么用?Golang Uint64Var使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: init

func init() {
    var b bytes.Buffer
    for name, s := range scalerByName {
        if s == vibrant.DefaultScaler {
            scalerName = name
        if b.Len() > 0 {
            b.WriteString(", ")
    availableScalers := b.String()

    flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "outputFile", "", "Output location for a quantized version of the image.")
    flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "o", outputFile, "Output location for a quantized version of the image.")

    flag.Uint64Var(&maximumColorCount, "maximumColorCount", maximumColorCount, "Maximum color count.")
    flag.Uint64Var(&maximumColorCount, "m", maximumColorCount, "Maximum color count.")

    flag.Uint64Var(&resizeImageArea, "resizeImageArea", resizeImageArea, "Resize image area.")
    flag.Uint64Var(&resizeImageArea, "r", resizeImageArea, "Resize image area.")

    flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", debug, "Debug mode.")
    flag.BoolVar(&debug, "d", debug, "Debug mode.")

    flag.StringVar(&scalerName, "scaler", scalerName, "Scaler.  One of: "+availableScalers)
    flag.StringVar(&scalerName, "s", scalerName, "Scaler.  One of: "+availableScalers)


    inputFile = flag.Arg(0)


示例2: registerFlags

func registerFlags() {
    flag.StringVar(&addressVersion, "address-version", addressVersion,
        "Network address version. Options are \"test\" and \"main\"")

    // Input files
    flag.StringVar(&blockchainFile, "blockchain", blockchainFile,
        "Location of the blockchain file")

    // Output files
    flag.StringVar(&transactionFileOut, "transaction-out", transactionFileOut,
        "Where to write the created transaction, if not committing to the "+

    // Ownership parameters. Some of these are mutually exclusive
    flag.StringVar(&srcWallet, "src-wallet", srcWallet,
        "Use this wallet as the spender")
    flag.IntVar(&srcWalletEntry, "src-wallet-entry", srcWalletEntry,
        "Only spend from this entry in the wallet. -1 means use all.")
    flag.StringVar(&srcSecretKey, "src-secret", srcSecretKey,
        "Spend from this secret key")

    // Spending destination
    flag.StringVar(&destAddress, "dest", destAddress,
        "Which address to send the coins to")

    // Spending amount options
    flag.Uint64Var(&spendCoins, "coins", spendCoins, "How many coins to spend")
    flag.Uint64Var(&spendHours, "hours", spendHours, "How many hours to spend")
    flag.Uint64Var(&spendFee, "fee", spendFee,
        "How much to pay in fee above the minimum fee")
    flag.Uint64Var(&burnFactor, "burn", burnFactor,
        "How many hours must be spent as a minimum fee, calculated as the "+
            "number of output hours divided by this number. 0 is no burn.")


示例3: FlagsParse

func FlagsParse() {
    flag.StringVar(&Port, "port", "50000", "node port")
    flag.StringVar(&Host, "host", "", "node address")
    flag.Uint64Var(&MinWorkers, "minWorkers", 2, "min workers")
    flag.Uint64Var(&MinPartitionsPerWorker, "ppw", 1, "min partitions per worker")
    flag.Int64Var(&MessageThreshold, "mthresh", 1000, "message threshold")
    flag.Int64Var(&VertexThreshold, "vthresh", 1000, "vertex threshold")
    flag.StringVar(&LoadPath, "loadPath", "data", "data load path")
    flag.StringVar(&PersistPath, "persistPath", "persist", "data persist path")



示例4: main

//        main : Entry point.
func main() {

    var dwarfData *dwarf.Data
    var theFile *macho.File
    var theErr os.Error
    var relativeAddress uint64
    var runtimeAddress uint64
    var loadAddress uint64
    var segmentAddress uint64
    var pathMacho string
    var pathDsym string

    // Parse our arguments
    flag.Uint64Var(&runtimeAddress, "raddr", 0, "")
    flag.Uint64Var(&loadAddress, "laddr", 0, "")
    flag.StringVar(&pathMacho, "macho", "", "")
    flag.StringVar(&pathDsym, "dsym", "", "")

    if runtimeAddress == 0 || loadAddress == 0 || pathMacho == "" || pathDsym == "" {

    // Find the text segment address
    theFile, theErr = macho.Open(pathMacho)
    if theErr != nil {
        fatalError("Can't open Mach-O file: " + theErr.String())

    segmentAddress = theFile.Segment("__TEXT").Addr


    // Calculate the target address
    relativeAddress = runtimeAddress - loadAddress
    gTargetAddress = segmentAddress + relativeAddress

    // Find the target
    theFile, theErr = macho.Open(pathDsym)
    if theErr != nil {
        fatalError("Can't open .dsym file: " + theErr.String())

    dwarfData, theErr = theFile.DWARF()
    if theErr != nil {
        fatalError("Can't find DWARF info: " + theErr.String())

    processChildren(dwarfData.Reader(), 0, false)



示例5: init

func init() {

    flag.Uint64Var(&CmdlineOptions.SpoolSize, "spool-size", CmdlineOptions.SpoolSize, "event count spool threshold - forces network flush")
    flag.Uint64Var(&CmdlineOptions.SpoolSize, "sv", CmdlineOptions.SpoolSize, "event count spool threshold - forces network flush")

    flag.IntVar(&CmdlineOptions.HarvesterBufferSize, "harvest-buffer-size", CmdlineOptions.HarvesterBufferSize, "harvester reader buffer size")
    flag.IntVar(&CmdlineOptions.HarvesterBufferSize, "hb", CmdlineOptions.HarvesterBufferSize, "harvester reader buffer size")

    flag.BoolVar(&CmdlineOptions.TailOnRotate, "tail", CmdlineOptions.TailOnRotate, "always tail on log rotation -note: may skip entries ")
    flag.BoolVar(&CmdlineOptions.TailOnRotate, "t", CmdlineOptions.TailOnRotate, "always tail on log rotation -note: may skip entries ")

    flag.BoolVar(&CmdlineOptions.Quiet, "quiet", CmdlineOptions.Quiet, "operate in quiet mode - only emit errors to log")


最后编辑: kuteng  文档更新时间: 2021-08-23 19:14   作者:kuteng