本文整理汇总了Golang中flag.Uint函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Uint函数的具体用法?Golang Uint怎么用?Golang Uint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: main

func main() {
    laddr := flag.String("listen", ":8001", "listen address")
    baddr := flag.String("backend", "", "backend address")
    secret := flag.String("secret", "the answer to life, the universe and everything", "tunnel secret")
    tunnels := flag.Uint("tunnels", 1, "low level tunnel count, 0 if work as server")
    flag.Int64Var(&tunnel.Timeout, "timeout", 10, "tunnel read/write timeout")
    flag.UintVar(&tunnel.LogLevel, "log", 1, "log level")

    flag.Usage = usage

    app := &tunnel.App{
        Listen:  *laddr,
        Backend: *baddr,
        Secret:  *secret,
        Tunnels: *tunnels,
    err := app.Start()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "start failed:%s\n", err.Error())
    go handleSignal(app)



示例2: decodeRefArg

func decodeRefArg(name, typeName string) (interface{}, error) {
    switch strings.ToLower(typeName) {
    case "*bool":
        newValue := flag.Bool(name, app.DefaultBoolValue, name)
        return newValue, nil
    case "bool":
        newValue := flag.Bool(name, app.DefaultBoolValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil

    case "*string":
        newValue := flag.String(name, app.DefaultStringValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    case "string":
        newValue := flag.String(name, app.DefaultStringValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil

    case "*time.duration":
        newValue := flag.Duration(name, app.DefaultDurationValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    case "time.duration":
        newValue := flag.Duration(name, app.DefaultDurationValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil

    case "*float64":
        newValue := flag.Float64(name, app.DefaultFloat64Value, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    case "float64":
        newValue := flag.Float64(name, app.DefaultFloat64Value, name)
        return *newValue, nil

    case "*int":
        newValue := flag.Int(name, app.DefaultIntValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    case "int":
        newValue := flag.Int(name, app.DefaultIntValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil

    case "*int64":
        newValue := flag.Int64(name, app.DefaultInt64Value, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    case "int64":
        newValue := flag.Int64(name, app.DefaultInt64Value, name)
        return *newValue, nil

    case "*uint":
        newValue := flag.Uint(name, app.DefaultUIntValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    case "uint":
        newValue := flag.Uint(name, app.DefaultUIntValue, name)
        return *newValue, nil

    case "*uint64":
        newValue := flag.Uint64(name, app.DefaultUInt64Value, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    case "uint64":
        newValue := flag.Uint64(name, app.DefaultUInt64Value, name)
        return *newValue, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknow type %s for argument %s", typeName, name)


示例3: handleFlags

func handleFlags() (*CliOptions, bool) {
    flag.Usage = Usage

    _ = flag.String("serveraddr", "", "Server address to listen") // ignored
    serverPort := flag.Uint("port", 9000, "Port to listen")
    portLayerAddr := flag.String("port-layer-addr", "", "Port layer server address")
    portLayerPort := flag.Uint("port-layer-port", 9001, "Port Layer server port")

    debug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debuglevel logging")


    // load the vch config
    src, err := extraconfig.GuestInfoSource()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Unable to load configuration from guestinfo: %s", err)
    extraconfig.Decode(src, &vchConfig)

    if *debug || vchConfig.Diagnostics.DebugLevel > 0 {

    cli := &CliOptions{
        serverPort:    *serverPort,
        portLayerAddr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *portLayerAddr, *portLayerPort),
        proto:         "tcp",

    return cli, true


示例4: handleFlags

func handleFlags() (*CliOptions, bool) {
    flag.Usage = Usage

    enableTLS := flag.Bool("TLS", false, "Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify")
    verifyTLS := flag.Bool("tlsverify", false, "Use TLS and verify the remote")
    cafile := flag.String("tls-ca-certificate", "", "Trust certs signed only by this CA")
    certfile := flag.String("tls-certificate", "", "Path to TLS certificate file")
    keyfile := flag.String("tls-key", "", "Path to TLS Key file")
    serverAddr := flag.String("serveraddr", "", "Server address to listen")
    serverPort := flag.Uint("port", 9000, "Port to listen")
    portLayerAddr := flag.String("port-layer-addr", "", "Port layer server address")
    portLayerPort := flag.Uint("port-layer-port", 9001, "Port Layer server port")

    debug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debuglevel logging")


    if *enableTLS && (len(*certfile) == 0 || len(*keyfile) == 0) {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "TLS requested, but tls-certificate and tls-key were all not specified\n")
        return nil, false

    if *verifyTLS {
        *enableTLS = true

        if len(*certfile) == 0 || len(*keyfile) == 0 || len(*cafile) == 0 {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "tlsverfiy requested, but tls-ca-certificate, tls-certificate, tls-key were all not specified\n")
            return nil, false

    cli := &CliOptions{
        enableTLS:     *enableTLS,
        verifyTLS:     *verifyTLS,
        cafile:        *cafile,
        certfile:      *certfile,
        keyfile:       *keyfile,
        serverAddr:    *serverAddr,
        serverPort:    *serverPort,
        fullserver:    fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *serverAddr, *serverPort),
        portLayerAddr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *portLayerAddr, *portLayerPort),
        proto:         "tcp",

    // load the vch config
    src, err := extraconfig.GuestInfoSource()
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Unable to load configuration from guestinfo")
    extraconfig.Decode(src, &vchConfig)

    if *debug || vchConfig.Diagnostics.DebugLevel > 0 {

    return cli, true


示例5: main

func main() {
    // Define and parse flags.
    id := flag.Uint("id", 0, "Set the client node ID to connect to.")
    rate = flag.Uint("rate", 0, "Sets the maximum messages per second.")

    // Validate flags.
    if *id == 0 || *id > 0xFFFF {
        log.Fatal("Invalid node ID specified.")

    // Load configuration from config file.

    fmt.Printf("Loaded configuration, ID to connect to is %d.\n", *id)

    conn, err := connect.TestDial(uint16(*id))
    if err != nil {

    var msg cliproto_up.Authenticate
    msg.Username = new(string)
    msg.Password = new(string)
    msg.SessionId = new(uint64)
    *msg.Username = "msgsource"
    *msg.Password = "msgsource"
    conn.SendProto(2, &msg)

    for {
        respMsg, ok := <-conn.Received
        if !ok {
            log.Fatal("connection error")

        switch *respMsg.MsgType {
        case 2:
            log.Fatal("auth failed")
        case 3:
            log.Print("authenticated, follow msgsink...")

            var followMsg cliproto_up.FollowUsername
            followMsg.Username = new(string)
            *followMsg.Username = "msgsink"
            conn.SendProto(3, &followMsg)
        case 4:
            log.Fatal("follow failed")
        case 6:
        case 7:
            log.Print("following msgsink, sending msgs...")
            go sendMessages(conn)


最后编辑: kuteng  文档更新时间: 2021-08-23 19:14   作者:kuteng